Do Christmas gifts stress you out? For me, the gifting doesn’t stress me out but the preparation does! Every year I have a list of friends/family that I make treats for and leave on their door step one December evening. It’s a tradition that me & my husband have been doing since we’ve been married.
It is a little stressful to plan the treats but also so much fun and it takes one day of baking that we enjoy together!

Half of the battle of gifting is the presentation. The wrapping, boxes, bags…but never fear, there are so many things you can do with things you can easily find from the thrift store!
Gift idea #1
Going to a party? Grab a pretty basket from the thrift store and pop in a poinsettia from the grocery store. The basket adds a unique twist and the poinsettia is a bit of holiday cheer. You don’t show up empty handed but you don’t bring something your host/hostess doesn’t need and you don’t have to stress out about the perfect host gift to bring. It’s a win, win!

Not to mention, you can do this for all of your friends and family as an added touch.

Gift idea #2
Want to treat your friends or coworkers to a Christmas treat but you’re tight on cash or time? Thrift some Christmas mugs, add in a few bags of Christmas tea, and maybe even some honey spoons and a ribbon and there you go! Thoughtful, unique, and simple.

Gift idea #3
If you’re reallllly into treat making and Christmas gifting then you may want to go all out. Find Christmas tins, baskets, etc. at the thrift store, and fill them full of an array of Christmas treats. If you don’t have time to make it all, put in store bought and add Christmas ribbon. If you do have time, maybe consider adding in peppermint marshmallows, Christmas shortbread, chocolate pretzel hugs…any and all Christmas goodies that you can think of!
Whatever you decide, it really is the thought that counts. I know, for me, I enjoy seeing everyone’s reactions more than I enjoy getting gifts. And when I do get a gift, I’m thrilled that I was even thought of. Gift giving is my greatest love language so I hope that I could share a little of what I do to inspire you to love on your friends and family in unexpected ways this holiday season.

I would love to hear how you celebrate Christmas and any traditions you like to do. Share in the comments below!